Lonely In Your Arms Poem by Minnie Gehrig

Lonely In Your Arms

Rating: 5.0

Stillness in the arms
of a big school
n feeling so small
Jewells of poetic verse
dripping off my lips
n sliding into nothing...

N thoughts of love
run across my wrists
leaving there crimson marks
N your name is there
Beaneth my flesh
moving softly
just under the surface

N i prefer to be nameless this day
N protrude on the regulars n the dive bar
a block from here
n play love songs
to myself

golden shots of tequila that slide down my throat
n find there home
fire in the loins....

A cold beer to wash it all down.....

N i feel like being my manic self again...
Let the pills wear off
n tragedy come home....

I ve Missed my fairy self
buried underneth this blankness
I do not want her wild subdued....

N off n on i daydream of you...
swallowing tears
a love so big it hurts...

n the things i need from life are so vulgar
they leave you blushing like
a first kiss.....

But the fire
burns away the emptiness
that part of me
existing now only as a ghost
a dream that is no longer captured

It fades away with my waking.....
lonely in your arms......

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