Longing Poem by Arial Lost


Not one day goes by when I dont think of you,
First thing I see in my eyes each day is your beautiful face even though you are no where near,
Songs on the radio remind me of you where ever I go,
seems like ever movie I see brings back memories of time we shared though it might have been brief,
I guess I could be bitter, call you names, look for ways to get even, for the way I feel now,
Even as I try to run and hide, your memory follows me and I can only think of how very much I wanted to be with you,
I can be in a room full of people and feel so all alone wishing I was there with you,
I do not try to fool myself about think of things that can never be,
But I can not get over you, but I am having to get past you, though its never what I wished to do,
I try to cherish the time I had with you, but it only makes me wonder why you had to leave, makes me hate the next day becuase I know I have to get through it because life goes on,
Choices are made, decisons have impacts in ways we can fully understand until look back at the way things unfolded,
I know these things, i feel the weight that they force me to lift everyday, but still, you and only you have my heart, you always did and always will.
I had to gie up your hand in mine, but I can not ever give up your beauty in my eyes

Gajanan Mishra 10 May 2013

wonderful poem, I enjoyed it. thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment

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