Lost But Won Poem by azmat naushad asif

Lost But Won

We had a fight
From the first day onwards
Umbilical space to share
In one womb
Twisting and adjusting
We fought on

That day too, we
Had a quarrel severe
She left the house, I
Remained angry and annoyed
Venting and wanting revenge

Ahh! the oppotunity knocked
On the door in the form of her love
Heading towards my way, it hugged
Me tight and a way too long

'Hi there sweetheart' her
Love interest chirped, confusing
Me with my twin.
'What a shame ' I thought
One who couldn't differentiate
Between his new found love
And her sister, deserves
To be ill treated

My revengeful eyes sparkled
And my lips curved into a wicked smile
'Sit down', I said to him
And offered him a glass of drink

He thanked me and gulped it down
'Honey', he twiterred again
'Wanna go for a movie tonight ? '
Saying this he removed his jacket
And came closer to me

His breath on my cheeks
My arms on his chest
I gently pushed him away
Call me an idiot or a fool
To let go of this ' revenge accomplished'
May be just call me simply a sister

'May be later I guess' I said
'Please wait for her,
she would be back in some time:
when my sis will come back
may be I can join you then'

'So much for being joined together
can't stoop so low, even if it means I lose'

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