Love Poem by Meena Iyer


Meandering in the park,
Thinking.. why love?
What makes it so special?
Why am I still in dark?
What exactly is love?

Thats when I saw a bee
Moving flower to flower
Dancing in glee
I asked the sweet fragrant rose
Why him?
he is so disloyal don't you see?

I live for just a day,
The rose said,
I would rather spend few moments with him,
Alive n gay, forever close
Or I would be dead

Confused I reached home,
Deep in thought, I went to balcony,
Enticed by the nightangle's symphony
I asked, ' Tell me about this love syndrome'

She laughed at me outright!
Love cannot be explained in words
It needs heart's insight
How do I express what I feel
An experience Surreal

Flummoxed I went inside,
A lamp burnt by the windowsill
A fluttery firefly embraced
shimmering flame, I was enraged
Did you have your fill?

Is this what you call love oh flame? ? ! !
A soul died, you are to blame!
It said, ' Love, you will never understand'
Coz love doesn't demand, My friend
It withstands, Marks of destiny,
For I am left to tell this story,
While the fly gets all the glory

Again, I thought,
What the heck is love?
Is it emotion overwrought?
For it, battles are fought
Dangers dared,
Many have despaired
And yet, it is
Forever sought! !

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