Love Triangle: Fairy Tale Poem by Maria Sudibyo

Love Triangle: Fairy Tale

You still dream about fairy tale
When princess meets her true love
I’m willingly to give my life for you
But what I’ve got is just unrequited story
Why can’t you feel?
It will be me, me
That sacrifices my soul to make you happy
It will be me, me
That saves you from the dragon
But I’m just your knight
You are destinied to fall to a prince

Your innocence makes you clueless
It’s a dear but also my desperation
How you will never realize
What you unconsciously do to my heart
Why can’t you see?
It is me, me
That wants you to smile only for me
It is me, me
That always look after you secretly
Though I’m your prince
It seems I couldn’t separate you from your knight

Everyone says I’m a lucky girl
Till they envy me and starts to hate
I can’t deny my own feeling
But they always force me to choose
Why can’t you find?
It will be me, me
That could see clearly behind facade
It is me, me
That have the power to make everything on the right way
Maybe I’m the princess
But who says I’m the only one that should be happily ever after

Mei Faiz 15 January 2012

I could feel the feeling you pour in this poem, this is good.

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Maria Sudibyo

Maria Sudibyo

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