Madam Petri Poem by Murat Halici

Madam Petri

Rating: 4.5

Ah Madam Petri!
Your rage has ranged
With your voice which doesn't cling nowhere
As violets capture corners
Sun is starting to pick up it's brocaded shawl in quiet
And everything is back to the drawing board
Resentment of clouds was same at Lille
And you were busy by clinching past with future
As you were holding them from their wrong places
Late afternoon had left it's grace
Also streets and avenues had adapted to you
Anyone was knowing what was loaded at the port
And was loading from the moment who is in it
İn fact we couldn't succeed to cry like roses
Even if we struggles
And I had tought that you were inexperienced
About life

Ah Madam Petri!
Does time collect or reduce us?
But life is not given by measure
Goods are fore and bads are behind usually
Every day is dying as it was breeding the next one
As if it is paying the price of it's sins
And we find the baby in our arms
Happiness is a puppet
Please believe me
The desert wasn'thappy even if it was water-logging

Ah madam Petri!
Life don't like to tug at it's sleeve
What if sky is actual captivity
To which we envy from our cages
We can not hide from ourselves
Also we can not find ourselves
Ah Madam Petri!
But how much of ours do we want to find?

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