Madness In My Mind Poem by William Helton

Madness In My Mind

Late some nights, when people are in bed,
I walk down the street with madness in my head.
Past the big house, around the corner from library,
Something’s going to happen and its going to be scary.

I peek thru the window to see who I’ll find,
Go on through, says the voice in my mind.
Everyone’s asleep, snuggled up in their bed,
Not one of them realizes they will all soon be dead.

Two middle aged couples occupy separate rooms,
They are on opposite floors of the house, perfect for doom.
I start downstairs, and as I turn on the light,
The woman wakes up, and she is shivering from fright.
She sees the blade glisten as it cuts thru the air,
Blood gushes from her jugular, eyes wide in a stare.

The man stirs and awakens, then leaps from the bed,
Two jabs with my knife and he too is dead.
I stroll thru the house, completely filled with glee,
Because all of these actions bring pleasure to me.

Up the steps so quietly, careful not to make a sound,
I still move quickly, covering a lot of ground.
I stand in the doorway, planning my assault,
You will both soon be dead, and it isn’t your fault.
This must be a sickness or some kind of disease,
I am so very excited, I dropp to my knees.

I cross to the bed, I will start with the man,
I will get him out of the way as quick as I can.
For it is you, my dear, that will play my sick game,
I don’t care who you are, don’t care about your name.

All thru the house you will run and you’ll scream,
You’ll look all around and think this is a dream.
No one can hear me laughing as I cut off your head,
I continue with my life, and all of you are dead.

XOR 9 28 December 2008

It seems a perfect theme for the movie SAW. Madness inside...words match your deeds with brutal honesty, well written and well executed all through out...

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