Man On The Bench Poem by gnrao rao

Man On The Bench

Where is the bench?
Is it made of wood.
iron or cement or
Is the bench on the
pavement or the
Why is it there?
Is it for those
old senior people
and tired children
to rest a while?
Is it there for
the homeless to
sleep in the nights
spreading a newspaper?
Or is there for the
drunkard who cannot
balance his steps?
Is it there for the
birds to perch
upon and sit and then
fly again?

Is the bench in the park?
Is the bench on the beach?
Is the bench in th class-room?
Is the bench in the court?
Is the bench in the dentist's hall?
Is the bench in the hospital?
Where is the bench?
Why the court is called
The bench court?
Is the bench in the playground?

I know the bench in the
class room is for the students
to sit,
and also as punishment

The word bank has come
from the bench,
where the bankers used
to sit and collect gold
and money.
When they became insolvent
by lending money to the
kings to meet the
expenses of the wars
they broke the benches
telling that they
are bankrupt.

Why is the man sitting
on the bench
In the beach?
Is he waiting for someone
to join him?
Is he there for relaxing?
Is he there to watch the
people on the beach?

Is he sitting there
to while away his time?
Is he waiting there
to steal somebody's purse
or bag?

Is he waiting there
for the high tide?
Is he waiting for
someone to comeback
from the sea-bath
or surfing?
why is he waiting there?

Is he out of mind?
Is he a lunatic?
Is he a beggar?
why is he sitting
on the bench
in the hot sun?

Do you know
why is he sitting

Friday, October 13, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: beach,survival
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