Surfing poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best surfing poems ever written. Read all poems about surfing.
The arc of my brain reshaped for
The room to fill senses and madness
Acronyms and seduction amalgamated
Boundaries of essence essentials
Sitting on the sands of the Bay, a small sea
Gigantic waves throw themselves on the sands, I see;
Methinks a true fact the sea never knows, is
How horribly, hungrily and thirstily it roars!
Women expose breasts
seen in public jeeps
in wet-dry markets
not censored pornographic expose'
You came, You conquered,
You took us by surprise,
We depend on you,
We live by your side,
I spread my heart before you
As serenades at your threshold
Straining every vein of mine
Into a tune of melodious love
Is nothing real but when I was fifteen,
Going on sixteen, like a corny song?
I see myself so clearly then, and painfully--
Knees bleeding through my usher's uniform
Feather white feather bright
fell from angels wing tonight
Reading physics in the Charger
at North Bondi; after a while
it gets hard to concentrate.
All that sunlight.
Right now, there are near 5,000 visitors on this site.
Let's suppose
you spend 8 hours a day surfing the web
and 8 hours sleeping
Her Life And Likings - Anacreontic Verse
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
She was born
In Ball's Market after surfing till noon,
We stand in wet trunks, shivering,
As icing dissolves off our sweet rolls
Inside the heat-blued counter oven,
<font color=darkviolet>Another one for Cassandra.
15 minutes
spent playing the guitar,
Today you’d have been a happy-go-lucky girl:
A teenager up to your eyes in make-up and Maths,
Chatting on MSN and mobile,
Reading chick-lit
just finished
studying Shakespeare
at Wisconsin for my MA
I keep surfing the inter-net in search of old and
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Desire offered me a Joyful Blindness
new each time from the Caldron
such that I succumbed each time
I feel the adrenaline surfing through my heart
I feel sweat all over my weakened heart
Upon mentioning of your name my heart is lost
Where is it, please give it back
Dive into the ocean of my eyes
and surf into my life
Float into my dreams and
look into the world from my side
Chairperson of the Tribunal of Beauty
Chairperson I love you
Chairperson you love me
Of repetitions my verses be replete
Yes this be inescapable
Of sounds repetition
Of moods and feelings repetition
(after looking at a group of images by Nico Vassilakis)
Maybe the alphabet makes its readers, instead of the other way around. Nico's grouping in EMPTY MIRROR (Nov.2014) invites all kinds of visual readings and visual-hermeneutic styles. I've been thinking of letters recently as a set of contrastive variations in graphic form, just like phonemes in sound. Being a serially contrastive set, letters keep the habit of analysis subliminally present in the mind of a reader. Analysis was the pre-condition of their existence as forms. But having attained to form, the letters suddenly are available for far-flung visual engagements that explode out and away from the mechanistic feature analysis. The possibility space of visual form serves as a waiting abyss. Complete rejection of mechanistically deployed rule-sets is the rocket fuel. But there is a large mass of material, so styles of assemblage kick in to organize it: nesting accretion and iterative adjustment and scrim-surfing or what have you... and with each manipulation, new masses of material arrive, ready to be organized, even though only part of them can be fully incorporated... The schemes of assemblage are active sites for a time, like explosive aggregations or fountains of surprise, maybe allowed to declare their moment of flowering in a freeze frame, but at some point they will coagulate and subside... and at some point you can imagine the rocket fuel seeping in again... If this were a moralistically defined space, aggregations would be clotted excrescences on the body politic, with little hope of showing elegance like these visual flowerings... these protean constructs which suggest the release of restricted forms into an exploratory zone.
absurdity of dreaming linguistic symbols swimming in the rivers of mental opennings towards lawvl of nature describing nothing/something double theatre of truth condition the posthumanity breezes on surfing realities of conceptual beings the neuroaesthetic wisdom on cloudy skies quailing sensations of experiencing truth-berg the rising sun.
Scarlet sunny hand
Smoothly surfing sky azure
Turns its face lilac
surfing on darkness
I plant a life-tree ofwisdom
on soil
Ship waves are surfing in under a sky blotched in grey sea rain along both sides of the bay. Pale water crinkles in a southern-winter wind and bubbles under the falling clouds.
I gaze across the river-bay-haze; we lap through the day's many grays, but in warmth we'll be rising and i'll be smiling all the way.
- Samuel Richard Leonard
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.