Matters Of The Heart Poem by Ronewa Mabirimisa

Matters Of The Heart

Once you came, with suitcase at hand,
I carry it for you with my tiny arms.
I struggled. You've fitted your life into it.
I looked up at you,
We almost look alike.

When you left, a flower was a bud,
It has bloomed, withered,
And the wind had blown it, away.
Scattered across the bed of soil, buried,
Like memories of our early years.

A miracle was blooming inside you,
There was a life within you,
A tiny spark of miracle really,
And it continues to grow,
As days of our lives unfolds.

The miracle take its first breathe in the dusk of summer.
The summer's sun shines brightly, warming our skins,
The winds blow, only to brush our faces,
I jumped with joy by your sight,
You smiled back with a baby on your arms.

It was hard to believe,
That it was a stage you and I have passed,
A long time ago,
Although to you, it's almost distant longer,
There he only had a future.

I fell,
Head over hills,
We bond,
And those bonds still hold tightly even now.

One day you stood with a suitcase at hand,
I wonder if the train will take you were you want,
Or you want to take a destination,
Where they don't usually go,
But I wished you luck under my breath.

You should carry all memories with you,
And fit it in your suitcase.
Us, mom and dad;
I believe remembrance,
Because wherever you go,
When you came back, you will find us,
Right there where you left us, waving endlessly.

The flowers bloomed when spring come,
But the city robbed us your presence.
You called from time to time,
We tried to fill each other,
With the events of our lives
But time had turn to be our worst enemy,
Though it has allowed us to grow up.

Time has allowed me to grow old,
Too old to chase dreams.
I set out on the journey,
The journey of exploring the world,
I came across the bright lights of the city,
The bright lights which beamed when the sun fall.
I set out because our dad told me:
That dreams are worth chasing.

I know that history it has the power to shape my future
And my present is the reflection of what I have been taught.
Human souls continue to link with one another;
I know that life give us a chance to spread our wings,
We seem to be the living proof.

Today you are adding another year to your life,
Today you are celebrating,
And I came bearing gifts,
A picture of you and I when were still young.
Now we have grown old,
But you will always be my sister.

Friday, March 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: emotional
Ronewa Mabirimisa

Ronewa Mabirimisa

Siloam Hospital
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