May My Sister Aaliya Live Long Poem by Dr Shamim ali

May My Sister Aaliya Live Long

Nowadays my sister is not around my life is full of strife
When she was here my whole world was filled with life
Wheather she understand or not i love her from my heart
No matter how much we disagree we cannot be drawn apart
She has come in my life this happiness cannot be taken away
Once she has entered in my life, forever there she is to stay
When I was in trouble she used to help me in difficult times
Her soothing words were meaningful still remember my prime
I always consider her blessing, who fills my heart with love
She assissted me and consoled me with peace acted as dove
I can assure you whether you are having your ups or downs
I will ailways there to help you with a smile and never frowns.
May God give her long life she is away from me miles and miles
But my heart pray for her may her life fill with laughs and smiles

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