Maze Poem by MAD DEW


In between all of the suicidal nightmares
And all of these quickly waning cares
My mind is like a complex maze
You have to navigate in a haze
There are just so many walls
There are all sorts of pitfalls
There are so many damn twists and bends
That lead to so many different dead ends
And at the end of every dead end hall
There are rhymes scribbled on the wall
Rhymes of a mad man crying out in pain
For someone to save him from being insane
From all of the turmoil of his twisted mind
But that is something he can't seem to find
So he just continues trying to navigate the maze
Hitting dead ends and scribbling rhymes in a craze
Maybe one day he will find the end of the maze
Maybe, just maybe he will live to see better days
But I am not so sure he ever will escape
Because he is in pretty terrible shape
And I'm honestly surprised he has made it this far
With all this black haze sticking to his lungs like tar
Slowly choking him to his awful death
But he will keep fighting to his last breath
Because in this maze he may die alone
But that decision won't be his own

Sunday, July 19, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,insanity,suicide
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