Meeting With Renon Poem by Justin Gildow

Meeting With Renon

Wandering around the Villa
Searching through every nook and cranny
in this eerie place
I've made out pretty well
Finding weapons, food, and clues

Leaving from the living room of the Villa
I notice a spiral staircase leading down

Walking down the steps and reaching the floor
I notice a contract laying on the floor
I kneel down to see
But the writing is hard to see
The writing is hard to make out

I hear footsteps
And suddenly I'm face to face with an individual
in a green suit, a green bowler hat, carrying
a suitcase

Walking down the steps
He tells me his name is Renon
And that he's a demon

I get ready to defend myself
But Renon holds his hands up
Telling me he's not an enemy
And that his job is to provide useful items for
adventurers to this evil place

Renon tells me it's shameful for him to work
But a demon like him tells me he needs gold
Even where he resides, he needs gold

He tells me we were fated to meet
He also tells me that whenever the need arises
Just pick up the scroll to summon him

Taking out his pocket watch
He tells me that we've talked too long
And to summon him whenever the need arises

And with those last words
He disappears

Looking at the contract
I decide to pass on it for now
But I have a feeling I'll be doing business sooner
or later with you

Justin Gildow

Justin Gildow

Washington, PA
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