Money! Money! Money! (Poem) Poem by Dave Tanguay

Money! Money! Money! (Poem)

Rating: 5.0

Money! money! money! “who”, needs money?
Yeah right, - ask me another question honey-

From day one, - money rules our lives.
How much we are worth, is how well we survive.

If we are born to wealth, clout, and prominence
We can be assured; the people will acknowledge our

However if it so happens we are born poor, we only have dreams.
Dreams to be, - to be on top of the - so-called - social hierarchy

Yes through our lives, we dream the UN - dream - able
Our dreams may even cause our minds to become unstable

Whose idea was it to initiate such a craze as money anyhow?
It sure wasn’t the Indians, for they greeted us with the word, -
“How! ”

If it were up to me, I’d rob Fort Knox, and dump the goal in
The middle of the ocean.
Without a core value for money, this would start quite a commotion

Who knows it may even be the beginning of a brand new day.
For to give, share, serve, love, - would be given every which way


Melvina Germain 14 October 2006

Money! My young grandson says, we shouldn't have money, just a trade system. Food for thought I'm sure. Money I believe is a demon we can't live without, we must survive as stated by one of PH's sisters. Without money we would be homeless and living on the street, and even there we still need money, a small amount but we still must have some. Money is here to stay, so in this society we must learn how to properly deal with money. Thats' the way I see it. Good poem. -Melvina-

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Ruby Root 12 September 2006

Hi Dave, Not everyone is like this Dave. People need to survive but there are people who give who have money and not everyone is selfish. I don't totally believe in what you are saying. I guess I believe that there is human kindness out there. I will always believe. Excellent poem, good point but I don't totally agree.

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Sugar Bear 11 September 2006

Haha, nice! Really nice. Too bad people care about money more than themselves.

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Dave Tanguay

Dave Tanguay

Westbrook, maine
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