Morning Escape 1961 Poem by Terry Collett

Morning Escape 1961

Rating: 3.5

From the time
I woke up
and went downstairs
my mother moaned.

Lizbeth you have to
make your room tidier
I have never seen
such a room
and your dirty linen
needs putting
in the washing bag
not on the floor.

I ate toast
and tried
to ignore her
looking at her.

Her hair
was a frizzy grey
as if electric
was buzzing
through it
as she spoke.

That black skirt
is too short
she moaned on
my mother would
never have allowed me
to wear such a thing.

The cat was sitting
by the back door
waiting to go out
it was tired
of her moaning too.

I slurp my milk
(just to annoy her)
and said
I am going out.

Out this time
of morning?
she said.

I need to go
see someone
I said.

Who at this time?
she queried.

A boy I like
I said.

Not that boy
who was here
that day
when I got back
from shopping?
she said.

Yes Benny
I said.

At this hour?
she moaned.

He gets
busy later
I lied.

She moaned on
so I crept out
the back door
and let the cat out.

I got out
my bike
and rode off
before she could say
another word.

I peddled fast
like a wild
flying bird.

Thursday, May 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: teenage
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