Muscle That Contradicts Sometimes Poem by SALINI NAIR

Muscle That Contradicts Sometimes

Can fly on an exotic way
Can float on dreams
In an enormous stream a floated copse
Detached and in a solitude world
He fall and strew to its side
Liquor strip his conscious mind

In a corner she sobs silently
Tears drop to the hungry faces
Yet in his drift he hasn’t noticed the saline
Scar that profile the depth of unconsciousness
Beat that stretched and starved and mourn
Graves that trenched in a lonely side

In past he was proud of his muscle
Superior way to male domain
So strong and a whale style
He glides to liquor in a slow move
But it conquer all his command
In a short time he sat on its wings

Next door an infant cried with pain
Loss virginity on her first birthday
Debt that takes lives out of earth
Orphanage that giggle on streets
All loss bases in unconsciousness
Deliberately it foot on liquor barrels

A momentous way where fruit juice that fermented
Shade that assemble lazy times
On a long way it wrap lives, and sink to its charisma
On that unconscious way lives drop and perished
Revenue that seal eyes of regime
But the tears will shatter the silence..
Still on that mum all sink and perish…

Ego profile he is great
But if liquor is his weakness for a simple reason
There is the fall of a male
The thrust of female mind!
Power of mind is the greatest power
If so why need to surrender for liquor? ? ? ?

©2014 SALINI.S.NAIR. All rights reserved.

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