My Angel Poem by Nikki Addleton

My Angel

Rating: 4.5

My angel is the one who looks over me
My angel is the one who cares about me
My angel who has beautiful blue eyes
My angel has brown hair
My angel will be there to hold me
My angel keeps me warm
My aggel is the one who is always on my mind
My angel is the love of my life
My angel is the one in my dreams
My angel has soft kissable lips
My angel will catch me when i fall
My angel will make me smile when no one else can
My angel will love me for who i am
My angel will be there untill the end of time
He is the angel god gave me

Michaela Busanic 25 February 2013

this is so beautiful it makes my heart ache. it brings such a powerful image to mind. so lovely

28 12 Reply
Enrique Diaz 05 November 2012

its a good poems make a other one

33 11 Reply
Possible Patience 28 September 2011

buddy this poem is really hot for an angel.u must be one of the coz u know all their duties

50 25 Reply
Piya Mojadam 28 June 2011

i like it it's very very nice

53 17 Reply
Dwi Utami 30 June 2010

helo niki, so much with angle story, .and you so perfeckt.creation poem about angle i.just want to say AWESOME and so much...i.m dwi.frm indonesia..

49 19 Reply
Nikki Addleton

Nikki Addleton

county durham, united kingdom
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