My Baby Girl by Dr. Deborah A. Bonner Poem by Dr Deborah A Bonner

My Baby Girl by Dr. Deborah A. Bonner

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My Baby Girl
By Dr. Deborah A Bonner D. Min.

When you were inside my womb for the whole 9 months l wrapped up my love for you inside my heart. With every month that passed by my love grew stronger and stronger, but the thought of losing you pierced my soul, with great anguish and frustration the nightly tears flowed.

A glimmer of hope is all l would pray for that the Lord would change the hearts of those who wanted me to leave you. I begged and asked over and over please don't take you, my Babygirl away from me. For l needed you to stay, but my love for you never went away. I wouldn't sign those dreaded papers, no matter what the Social Worker did to me physically or mentally l still refused! Yes, I still held my ground of refusal, even at age 14, God gave me a brave heart and a stable mind. Even though they stole my baby girl from my loving arms, God told me he would keep you safe from harm!

The day you were born, my first glimpse of you made the sunshine on that gloomy day, oh yes, I was very happy for your birth, but I dreaded without my permission the Social Worker taking you away. You smelled like fresh baby powder from head to toe and all I could think to say is, please, please don't take my precious baby girl away. For 8 long days l continuously pleaded and no one heard my cries of mercy. As l counted each of your fingers and toes you were perfectly made mind, body and soul.

You see you were my sweet beautiful baby girl, l felt every movement you made inside my womb and the whole 9 months were filled with excitement and sheer expectations of your tiny body cradled and wrapped in my arms. I wasn't going to let anyone do you any harm.

On that dreadful day the nurses cried for me saying we want you to keep her too. As l cried, screamed and yelled because I didn't want to lose you. I knew if l could keep you, you would love me too!

Of all the hurt and anguish I encountered during that time of your birth; l knew for certain one day God would bring you back to me before I would leave this earth. With a photographic memory of your tiny body wrapped in a rainbow receiving blanket and a tiny pink bow in your hair and stood at the nursery window still believing you were still there.

Although you were physically not with me my love never died and l told your siblings all about you and I didn't lie. We set an extra place at the dinner table each day in hope that you would come home soon one day.
I kept your footprints in a woven loom. Your beautiful baby face was ever embedded in my mind, no one could tear your memory from my mind. My love for my precious baby girl would remain until the end of time.

Daughter l am forever loving you and you are always in my heart!

Being age 13-14, taking advantage of, not having any choices or solutions. This particular time of life this was a lamentation of my heart!
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