My Boys - Our Soldiers Poem by DeeDee Beaton

My Boys - Our Soldiers

I remember when you were just little boys
Being kids, playing with your toys
The years have now...from then
You both have grown to be such fine young men
I'll always remember those words you spoke
'Mom, I'm joining the army' and this is no joke

As you pack your bags, you're on your way
From a boy to a man, I'll never forget this day
As time passes by, I'm wanting to hear your voice
I do have to remember this is your choice

'A Proud Canadian' you always were
until the end of time that's for sure
I pick up the phone and ask 'how you are? '
'Mom I'm doing fine, I'm keeping up to par'..
I hear it in your voice, you sound happy that's good
A reassurance to're doing what you should

Basic Grad is coming up pretty soon
I'll be the PROUDEST MOM, my face will gloom
To see how far you've come, in this short time
From a boy to a man, no time to whine
I'm proud of 'YOU', my oldest son,
To see what you do and who've you become

Basic Grad has come and gone
now you must carry on
It's been awhile since I heard from you
That's ok...I know it's what you have to do

I pick up the phone it's your voice I hear
'I have to tell you mom, please don't shed a tear'
Afghanistan is where they're sending me...
Please don't cry mom, it's what has to be

'I know my son, but there is one thing I can do
and that's to Pray to the 'LORD' that HE'LL look after you
I trust in HIM to give me the strength
I support you son, at great length
You leave in Feb of 08
I ask 'YOU' Lord, please keep him safe

Your little brother always looked up to you
I know it's not the same and he sure misses you too!
I knew it was a matter of time you see
That day your youngest brother came to me

I just found out, he signed up to
it's true...he always wanted to be just like you
He's only 18, still a boy in my eyes
But with his Pride and Determination, I'm really not surprised

Here I go again, it's off to Basic Grad
For now my youngest son, I'm trying not to be sad
This is a PROUD Day, I must not cry
To be strong for him, I'll promise I'll try

As time passes by and I continue to pray
I know it's a matter of time for your little brother to say
'Mom, Afghanistan is where they're sending me'
I remember those words so vividly

Now it's time for your brother's Graduation
'I now have 2 sons fighting for this Great Nation'
He didn't even graduate, when he got the word
'Afghanistan ' is what I heard

Yes, it's true, he'll be going to
Remember, he always wanted to be just like you
I sometimes question 'Why are we there? '
Mom, we're fighting for a country that's in such despair

I have to keep telling myself...this is your choice
But my thoughts and feelings I have to voice
I am your mother, as proud as could be
That you've choosen a job to help a country

I'll conclude by saying 'I'm Always Proud Of You '
Who You' Are and what you do...
The 'LORD' is there HE'S on our side
For my boys, our soldiers...we'll show our PRIDE!

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