My Girlfriend Poem by Soumyendu Halder

My Girlfriend

Please don’t misunderstand me.
I’ll clean the doors, windows and furniture for few days more
to make them shine.
I’ll make a new curtain.
It will have the colour of dream but it should look excellent in dim night light too.
I saw few fantastic orchids and bonsai last week
and i’m thinking to change my aquarium for long too.
Now I’ve to do something for them.
I really feel very happy thinking that you’ve become impatient.
You’re annoyed, thinking about me
the place above your lips has started sweating.
Few lines have appeared on your forehead just now.
I’m looking at you from here - you’re unable to concentrate!
To keep you away from my mind I wear myself in my body in this way
sometimes I find this will look great
sometimes the other one suits me
but I never become able to tell you the truth!
I’ll continue fighting with me for few more days
and you’ll feel more restless, my dearest lover.
I’ll not let my tears come out though
because i know that standing in front of you
one day i’ve to tell you– ‘ please give my soul back to me now! ’

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