My Love Poem by sandra lagos

My Love

How can just a one single person feel so hopeless. Or maybe that's the wrong word as what I feel is more insignificance, worthlessness, and my existence pointless. Although is it really justified if before when I had a more objective view on the matter this type of attachment, dependency, adoration seemed absurd. I assume this because I'd never really lived through this situation, either way before this I just could not understand that excessive need for the other person. What I'm talking about isn't just some fling or passing crush, this is much more than that. As in this case it is my own personal experience, and what I speak of is Love. The kind of love that let's you know they are 'The One'. The one you want to give your heart and soul to, and the kind of love that if lost the pain that comes with that loss is unfathomable.This is my predicament, I had initially looked at my inexplicable liking for him as a silly crush. Unfortunately for me the more I knew him, I knew I wouldn't be able to fight it off for long. Although throughout our short time together I did say I love you, it was only after he'd said it first. I never let go completely of myself until I had to say goodbye, as he was leaving to workout unfinished business. While saying good bye, and crying all the love I had felt for him suddenly overwhelmed me and at that moment I let go of myself. I took out my soul and haded it to him all this with just three little words that I had never said to anyone before they said it to me. I did this only for fear that they would not return my feelings, but that night I put my fears aside and instead of hiding from my love I welcomed it with open arms. Till this day the hollow in my chest of where my soul should be still remains empty. All that is left is the sadness, the one that I'm sinking into faster and faster each day. The one that has me swaying on the brink of complete insanity. One that almost has me begging for eternal darkness. How can this be so torturous, this pain has me completely in it's control so much so that I can't think straight. I loose sight of what's right and wrong, what I should go to and what I should be running like hell from. I'm trying to hold on, and I'm managing with an assumption. The assumption that one day the potency of this pain will subside, not fully disappear but fade to just background in my mind. Also that I'll be able to find a similar feeling, an echo of this love. An echo that will by no means be as strong, passionate, or beautiful as 'The One' but one that will bring a soothing comfort. One that will help heal the gaping hole from which I took out my soul. Unfortunately this assumption I'm holding on to doesn't completely calm my mind, as I know the echo I'm speaking of could never substitute my love. It will simply occupy a different part of me, but forever He will stay with me and He will always own m heart and soul.

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