My Love, Come! Poem by Don Nguyen

My Love, Come!

My love, I have search for you all my life; I have waited patiently;
Be merciful, quench my thirst for this moment of intimacy;
I long for you not out of sense of duty but gratitude and charity,
Gratitude for the divine love so great and so generous,
Charity for the human love so aching for my brothers to know you.
Grant me your loving clarity so that I express my inner thoughts most flammably
To purge human hearts which are so stony due to harshness of life.
Awake in me, my love, the most tender, most delicate feelings
From the Man-God who has emptied himself completely for love.
Attentive to my calling while I am attentive to yours;
Signal the way to reach your most inner mysteries
Where your heart resides, may someday mine also be there.
I come to love with greater and greater desire each day;
Hurry and come as I cherish each precious moment of our reunion;
I cherish even the moments of waiting for love to come.
Love has sought my love from eternity and now for eternity may I return.
Keep me in your arm length so that my thoughts do not wander far.
My love, I offer you everything I have, most of all, all my little knick-knacks,
Which matches the delicate sentiments of my love,
For the little things wrap so much loving into their details
That the author does not neglect.
Oh I long I pray that someday I will feel love’s heartbeat
Even I fear I am not worthy, and ignorant of how to respond at that moment
I promise to keep my love deep in my inmost being, in a secured place,
Where it is sacred, so hidden from human touch and pains.
Day by day I pray, I labor in order that someday I will count the divine heartbeat.

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