My Love For You Poem by Dr John Celes

My Love For You

My love for you has been the same,
As always from the very start;
For failures sometimes, I take blame;
In truth, I loved you from my heart.

Some things didn’t happen just my way;
Time did not favor me for years;
But things are so different today;
I know there can be no more tears!

You’re the only one in my life,
Until we must from earth depart;
You are my beloved and my wife!
So buck up lady, my sweetheart.

Fate played a cruel game before;
Lucre eluded me for long;
God opened me a newer door;
Let’s sing Him thanks-giving a song!

My love for you will never fade,
No matter what problems may come;
This is my promise which I made;
Nothing can break apart our home.

Let’s spend more time between ourselves,
And let our love grow even more;
Let no one come our way like elves;
And heaven-wards, our love must soar!

This is your ‘Happy Birthday’ dear!
God has been very kind to us;
Let’s forge ahead without a fear;
Our family, God will surely bless!

Dedicated to my beloved wife Mercy on her birthday

Copyright by Dr John Celes 1-4-2009

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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