My Lovely Bernedoodle Poem by Donna Saphier

My Lovely Bernedoodle

My lovely Bernedoodle
I love with all my heart
And since the day I got him
We have never been apart

He follows me around the house
Licking at my legs
And when I hang the washing out
He fetches me the pegs

He loves to sit at the window
And watch the children play
My lovely Bernedoodle
Always does obey

When it's time for walkies
He jumps and leaps so high
I hate it when I go out
He doesn't like goodbye

He's happiest at dinner time
He licks his lovely lips
But he's put on a little weight
It's showing around his hips

When I go to bed at night
I can't get near my lover
Because my Bernedoodle
Will slip inside the cover

He gets right in the middle
And just snuggles right in
I love my Bernedoodle
I couldn't be without him

They say a dog is a man's best friend
And Oh how that's so true
If anything should happen to him
I don't know what I'd do

He's a really gorgeous Doodle
And I'll never let him down
I couldn't imagine life without him
Who would love me when I'm down

But were happy now together
He is my bestest friend
And I will love him dearly
Right until the very end.

Sunday, September 8, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: dog
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