My Reality Ii Poem by Butterflies In My Belly Forever

My Reality Ii

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Now here I am once again,
my stomach is a mess.
I pull myself out of bed and manage to get dressed.
Get my son and off we go...

Who am I to talk about the people who complain?
When I have walked around and done just the same.
See here I am in all my funk,
Hateful as can be,
Walking around wanting everyone to feel sorry for me.

I go to the hospital to hear the doctor say,
I am sorry little lady, your mom's not here to stay.
I watch here struggle just to breathe and see her smile at me..
She has always called me sissy though that is not my name,
'You know how much I love you, that will never change'.
Tears stream down my face and reality starts to set.
We both start to realize the hand that we've been dealt.

So forgive me all you people for the original one of these,
I have no right to complain at all...
I can breathe with ease.
I look at her and see what all she has to endure,
I have no right to complain and that is for sure!

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