My Skin Is Dark But My Heart Is White! Poem by Shaila Touchton

My Skin Is Dark But My Heart Is White!

My Skin is Dark but my Heart is White which is a symbol of purity
Your skin is white but heart is dark filled with full of evil, wickedness and impurity.
Your mind is full of evil thoughts,
Your Mouth is full of curses, bitterness, lies, threats, trouble
And evil and hatred are under your tongue.
For out of your heart you are secret backbiter, slanderer, gossiper,
Hater of God, haughty, arrogant, jealousy and boastful.
Why do you hate Dark Skin?
For God loves the whole human race.
Why are you so ignorant to see?

God made us all different
God created everything different
So everyone can be different
Although we are different from others
We are still special in Gods eyes
Having different abilities, and different Gifts.
To me God's incredible grace is sufficient

You must have a good heart in order to understand
I don't think you will ever fully understand
We share the same earth, same air and same water
We share the same moon, same sun, same sky and same rain

And we are all created by the image of God
No color is better than the other
God wants us to value each other.
Sin and arrogance have divided us from one another

All the things God creates are in perfect harmony with each other
God cares for all and He doesn't like it when people are mean to each other.
Bible says we are given a new heart and a new spirit.
Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the heart
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Austine Angliere 10 March 2016

How beautiful, to have ideas of our faith expressed in poetry form! ! !

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