God poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best god poems ever written. Read all poems about god.
And God stepped out on space,
And he looked around and said:
I'm lonely--
I'll make me a world.
God in His infinite wisdom
Did not make me very wise-
So when my actions are stupid
They hardly take God by surprise
when God created love he didn't help most
when God created dogs He didn't help dogs
when God created plants that was average
when God created hate we had a standard utility
God knew that I need someone
To keep as a treasure in my heart.
Someone who is so true
Fine and caring.
In the ancient days, when the first quiver of speech came to my lips, I ascended the holy mountain and spoke unto God,
~ If There Be No God
If there be no God,
Then all the stars, that in their place
For God, our God is a gallant foe
That playeth behind the veil.
I have loved my God as a child at heart
I pray the God to shower bless
Who commit more sins and not less
Who are most wanted and dreaded
professional killer and guilty but not pleaded
The God separated a spirit from Himself and fashioned it into Beauty. He showered upon her all the blessings of gracefulness and kindness. He gave her the cup of happiness and said, 'Drink not from this cup unless you forget the past and the future, for happiness is naught but the moment.'
And the priestess spoke again and said: "Speak to us of Reason and Passion."
And he answered saying:
Come, brother, come. Lets lift it;
come now, hewit! roll away!
Shackles fall upon the Judgment Day
But lets not wait for it.
"Oh, dear, with the just unfolded tender leaflets of Mango trees as his incisive arrows, and with shining strings of honeybees as his bowstring, the assailant named Vasanta came very nigh, to afflict the hearts of those that are fully engaged in affairs of lovemaking...
"Oh, dear, in Vasanta, Spring, trees are with flowers and waters are with lotuses, hence the breezes are agreeably fragrant with the fragrance of those flowers, thereby the eventides are comfortable and even the daytimes are pleasant with those fragrant breezes, thereby the women are with concupiscence, thus everything is highly pleasing...
God, make my words a firefly
God, make my conversation a butterfly
God, make my footsteps a path
God, make me fragrance of flowers
A man went before a strange God --
The God of many men, sadly wise.
And the deity thundered loudly,
Fat with rage, and puffing.
In the prologue to the Masnavi Rumi hailed Love and its sweet madness that heals all infirmities, and he exhorted the reader to burst the bonds to silver and gold to be free. The Beloved is all in all and is only veiled by the lover. Rumi identified the first cause of all things as God and considered all second causes subordinate to that. Human minds recognize the second causes, but only prophets perceive the action of the first cause. One story tells of a clever rabbit who warned the lion about another lion and showed the lion his own image in a well, causing him to attack it and drown. After delivering his companions from the tyrannical lion, the rabbit urges them to engage in the more difficult warfare against their own inward lusts. In a debate between trusting God and human exertion, Rumi quoted the prophet Muhammad as saying, "Trust in God, yet tie the camel's leg."8 He also mentioned the adage that the worker is the friend of God; so in trusting in providence one need not neglect to use means. Exerting oneself can be giving thanks for God's blessings; but he asked if fatalism shows gratitude.
God is hidden and has no opposite, not seen by us yet seeing us. Form is born of the formless but ultimately returns to the formless. An arrow shot by God cannot remain in the air but must return to God. Rumi reconciled God's agency with human free will and found the divine voice in the inward voice. Those in close communion with God are free, but the one who does not love is fettered by compulsion. God is the agency and first cause of our actions, but human will as the second cause finds recompense in hell or with the Friend. God is like the soul, and the world is like the body. The good and evil of bodies comes from souls. When the sanctuary of true prayer is revealed to one, it is shameful to turn back to mere formal religion. Rumi confirmed Muhammad's view that women hold dominion over the wise and men of heart; but violent fools, lacking tenderness, gentleness, and friendship, try to hold the upper hand over women, because they are swayed by their animal nature. The human qualities of love and tenderness can control the animal passions. Rumi concluded that woman is a ray of God and the Creator's self.
Bless God, he went as soldiers,
His musket on his breast—
A spirit sped
Through spaces of night;
And as he sped, he called,
"God! God!"
I thank God for the little things:
the moon, the stars, the sun,
I thank God for everyone
and everything He's done
Death is potential to that Man
Who dies—and to his friend—
Who is God? Where is God? What is God? We ask
Then, we think that this is an impossible task
And we go to Temple and we go to Church
Desperate to find God, we continue our search
Walking with God is not rejecting or walking away from God's truth
We cannot truly walk with God unless we agree with Him
To walk with God, we must disagree with the devil.
Walking with God is not too busy to spend time with the God who created us
Today is a world full of development in fields of Science and Technology by talented and artistic people. Different types of people live in this world. All of them, directly or indirectly have inbuild talents by creative God.
Soon after the disappearance of Jesus from Earth, there was a definite and widening divergence between the followers of Jesus and the Pauline Church which was later to become the Roman Catholic Church. As the Pauline Church grew more established it became more hostile towards the followers of Jesus. It aligned itself more and more with the rulers of Roman Empire. and the persecution which to begin with had been directed at all who called themselves Christians now began to fall mainly on those who affirmed the divine unity. Attempts began to be made to change their beliefs and forcefully to remove those who refused to do so.together with the books their used. Naturally those who deviated from the teachings of Jesus were prepared to change the Scriptures and even introduce false writings in order to support their opinions. John Toland a famous historian in his book 'The Nazarenes' records these words of Iranius.who was one of the early martyrs of the Unitarians
' in order to amaze the simple and such as the ignorant of the Scriptures of this truth, they obtrude upon them and Inexpressible multitude of Apocryphal and spurious scriptures of their own devising Toland continues ' we already know to what degree imposture and credulity went hand in hand in the primitive time of the Christian Church, the last being as ready to receive as the first to forge books. The evil grew afterwards not only greater when the monks were the sole transcribers and sole keepers of all books good or bad but in the process of time it became almost absolutely impossible to distinguish history from fable or truth from error as to the beginning and original monuments of Christianity. How immediate successors of the Apostles could so grossly confound the genuine teachings of their masters which such as were falsely attributed to them or since they were in the dark about these matters so early, how came such as followed them by a better light and observing that such apocryphal books put upon the same footing with the canonical books by the fathers and the first cited as the Divine scriptures no less than the last or some books which such as we reckon divine were disallowed by them I propose these two other questions Why all the books cited as genuine by Clement of Alexander, Origen, Tertullian and the rest of such writers should not be accounted equally authentic? and what stress should be laid on the testimony of those fathers who not only contradict one another but are also often inconsistent with themselves in their relation of the very same facts.
Is Jesus God?
A logical and comprehensive method to unleash the truth
Can the holy word of God contain
An atom of untruth
Can truth abound from far fetched lies
Guidance from untrue maps
Respected poet sir
Devotional Gratitude (भक्ति कृतज्ञता)Tirupathi Chandrupatla Ji
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No father's seed
No mother's womb
a miracle beyond compare- -
Yet Jesus they say is the son of God
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