My Very Present Help! ! Poem by Crystal Tutson

My Very Present Help! !

When I am searching for a friend to call on or to talk to,
Who is always there when I come up empty? You!
My hungers to be loved by many you fulfill that appetite.
My constant thirst for attention you are always there without a fight.
Why must I feel this love and go to dangerous lengths to acquire?
When it's you who satisfy my needs and you are not even for hire.
You represent purity and un-wavering stability
But for some reason I haven't been free in thee.
I seek after a tangible feeling degrading the essence of my being
Without feeling the consequences; my eyes not open; not seeing.
My insatiable appeal to gain the approval of those who fail me,
Is boggling my mind but yet where ever I run or when I fall you catch me.
When will I reach the conclusions that you are my all and all?
My mind and heart agrees but my actions are at a stall.
What kind of God continuously forgives me and loves me when I have it not for myself?
The God who is my refugee; my very present help!

Manleh Castillo 12 September 2012

...this is very much related to the poem i wrote, NOSTALGIA, as i interpreted it....passionate one. Thanks for posting!

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