My Wife Cried In My Arms & Everything Went Cold Poem by James Davis

My Wife Cried In My Arms & Everything Went Cold

My wife stood in my sight red eyed and dreary.
I stood and thought is this any of my doing.
I determined that it was all the pressure from our latest quarrels.
I'm to straight forward while she's too elusive
Why dont we have those couple moments like we used to?
Why dont i finish your sentences why dont you read my mind?
why are we fallin into this deep dark demise?
How come I'm making such a ruckus about all this nonsense?
Can you help me get back to who i used to be?
Can you set me free form this misleading grieving.
I want you to be happy and you want the same for me but trust is the key.
Help me trust you like you did before help me unlock the doors.
I cannot bare for us to part
my love, my life, my everything
stay with me
live with me
love me.

From-James M. Davis
To -Kiersten M. Davis

Ismael Iniguez Carvajal 12 October 2009

love is grand, Nice work... I know the feeling

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James Davis

James Davis

Philadelphia, Pa
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