My Wife - Vision Of Light Poem by Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
Gajanan Mishra
Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India

My Wife - Vision Of Light

Dear wife - vision of light
Gajanan Mishra

You are my vision of light,
Dear wife, you are heavenly bright,
And you are for whole life.

One heart, one love,
One sun, and we
Travel with oneness
With no lose freshness.

Here, on this land,
We stood together
By the sea with our
Expanding horizon.

Together we shine,
And it is so sweet,
Again and again,
I see you, my wife,
The fountains of life.

I paint my imaginations
In your vision,
It is not fun but love
Wherein we live.

I see in your eyes,
I talk with your mouth,
I walk on your feet,
I am ever ready to greet.

Dear wife, all letters are there
In the book you keep
And I am reading it
With no understanding
With no reason.

No derision,
No deformity,
We are for eternity.

Tapobana, Titilagarh-767033

Friday, June 7, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: wife
Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
Gajanan Mishra
Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
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