N... Truth... Fact... Poem by Devraj Harikrishna

N... Truth... Fact...

Is the meaning of “The Truth” is differ from “The Fact”?

Since when I got the Sense
I am told, telling lie is an offense.
Just be a part of THE TRUTH-
And feel the magic of winning dance.

With the time, I feel deviation
For safe, people choose either option
Their cunning axed the humanity-
and its entire derived function.

The court, a place for judgement, is no more divine
For money, lie becomes the Truth, because of black swine.
From house to temple, every where cunning and ample-
The Truths are only made, they are not anymore on fact line.

The law caretakers, they reveal the Truth far from the Fact
Everyone forgets reality, which suits them that becomes act.
The divine relations are often in doubts now a days
Dominant people win all the battle, hook or crook, with all tact.

Angles are here, even the devils too
The tag “Truth is the winner” is in loo.
Efforts has the outcomes, but-
they are in pen and paper, true winners are a few.

Find the way, not for you but for humanity
Be a loyal and bring the Truth and Fact clarity
Someone is there, who is counting our sins-
Be a divine and make this environment in purity.

Bring the Fact and make it The Truth
Take this oath, all old and youth
unpolluted scenario makes life pleasant
Be an ambassador of “The Above Both.”

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