News Everywhere Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

News Everywhere

News is everywhere

I read about a new type of grass growing in Svalbard
making the reindeer happy and fat, not that this is big news
for the polar bear that struggles to learn to live without
ice, to hunt dogs and cats, lose the shiny white fur for
a grimy pelt, smelling of garbage cans.

The howling wolves of the mystic are no more since a way have
been found making (lobotomizing) them into friendly but
silly cubs who want to play with the caribou, who by lapse
has not been told; the good is vet surgeons specializing
in brains are urgently needed.

The good news is the woke brigade will move offensive
paintings of ugly white people smoking cigars, representing
"The man" was replaced with nice Disney pictures of pretty
animals with cute innocent eyes while somewhere out there
the Tasmanian tiger howls in the long night.

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