Night After The Rain: A Dedication To Trayvon Martin Poem by Mitchell York

Night After The Rain: A Dedication To Trayvon Martin

Rating: 2.5

As the spring air calms & the sky turns gray
A somber feeling grows strong as the sun fades away
I see the drizzles of rain trickle down my lonely windowpane
I hear a sound emerge beyond the clouds promising a night of rain

But yet all I can say is roar ole boy roar!
Roar for the moment roar for the day!
Roar for the constant injustice our society has faced.
The injustice that has risen from the grave
I invite every rock of hail, every dropp of rain
All in hopes it will quench this insatiable thirst for pain
I welcome every thunderous roar, every lighting strike
For when the storm finally ends the sun will rise again

Then I can wear my own clothes, be comfortable in my own skin
Not dodging a Jim Crow or Zimmerman
Then can mothers dry their eyes, Fathers can cage their rage
Put confidence in moral decency rather then the law to feel safe
After tragedies happen terror floods our community
Then we bind together in a race-less bond of unity
When it matters most & standing becomes the hardest
We link together in body & spirit-for I Am Trayvon Martin

My son is Emmett Till, My brother is Dr King
In all racial injustices know that I am your & you are me
A time we hoped to be dead
We now learn it was only laying dormant
A time that is known to scar, weaken & abuse
This time those are result we must refuse

In this time of turmoil here I am, still I stand
I stand on the backs of the unjust, I never give up, I never give in
I rise to the occasion, I challenge all forms of oppression
For if I allow the inhumane to remain what more am I than a oppressor

I am my brothers keeper & this I shall remain
Even when faced with my own problems I share my brothers pain
His journey becomes my crusade
For his justice is my night after the rain.

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