Night Love Song Poem by Don Nguyen

Night Love Song

Love the Lord with all diligence, paying attention in all details of one's heart
No neglect of his commands nor indifference to his desires or wishes
love him as to love no others, with all one's heart, mind, strength of will, one's lifetime
love so much that seven years shorten to seven months
Love like Jacob loves Rachel, willing to serve seven times seven years of love labor
Taking one look at her divine heart, he fell apart, forgetting all suffering all love labor pains
Love the Divine is to love all kinds of men and women and children who He has created for Him
Those who love Him so sincerely will beam with most delight which shines brightly like rising sun
The love one has shall circumcise the lover's heart in a ceremony witnessed by entire celestial guests
Love will fortify three cities, then multiply the number to many cities in which love will fill all the guest chambers
There will be no empty inns in which soul shall wander to be lost for the lamp of the Lord shall pave the way for gentle wings in love
Love knows no stranger in the distant land; for love shall turn into the covenant rainbow leading soul to the bountiful path
in which love partner shall find her oasis in the desert of life crises
Love will absorb all the songs from an unknown dreamer who compose songs for his Lord into the very depth of love ocean
in order to sow love seeds which germinate and grow into the symphony of lovely blue flowers
fulfilling a desire which long had begun as a sincere passionate thought from the heart in reality could only exist in the heart of the divine
Love, love is filling the air, the hair, the eyes with mist and kisses
Keep loving everyone even the sky has turned deep blue; for it's late.

Scriptural references:
Gen 29: 18,20,30, Exo 20: 6, Deu 6: 5, Deu 10: 19, Deu 13: 3, Deu 19: 9, Deu 30; 6, Jos 22; 5, Jos 23: 11, Judge 5: 31

music for compose: Francis Goya's romantic guitar,
http: // v=0xyHLqXAt7c&list=RD02af65zohM5Ek

Taking a nap, so I am awake enough to study Scripture and write a poem, hope you enjoy it because it is hard to put rhymes in late in the night; my mind begins to turn sleepy, will have to get up early to go to church, so not sure how long I will last with you. As usual no romantic evening, for she fell asleep before I did, the life of the romantic sleepy poet, only exists in his heart and poems.
Don Nguyen 29 October 2013

I love late night poems; so touching i wished I could stay at times to enjoy them I need to go to sleep,2 hours only tonight thinking of you, all my honorable poets please forgive this ignorant sinner if he did anything wrong today, ok? See you!

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