No I Don't Know Your Story Poem by Sylvia Carter

No I Don't Know Your Story

No I don't know your story
Not your heart breaks, set backs are struggles Unfortunately not every one understands the assignment, due to truama's because the enemy comes in like a flood with so many distractions
I don't know your story I do know however, that the enemy tried to interrupt the process simply because he knows that once God opens the eyes of his son's no weapon formed against YOU shall prosper. I don't know your story I don't know your dreams or what situations have stopped you in your tracks during your journey here.know this for certain it came to pass because God knows your name and will never ever get you mixed up with any one else he's getting you to the finish line Abraham's bosom

I see you walking in your purpose, hated because you are chosen you are forgiven, anointed, unique, loved and needed God will cause you to triumph. If temptation tries to trick you know God has already made a way of escape, be encouraged as you run this race.
know you win because the battle is not yours, cast your cares on him my brothers because God sent his son into the world as a man Jesus was tempted in every way that you have and will be tempted yet without sin
be a prisoner of hope
Zechariah 9: 12 Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will
render double unto thee.
Happy Father 's Day

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