No Memories Please... Poem by david lessard

No Memories Please...

there's not a memory of you that I want to keep,
the bumps and bruises of our love has cut too deep;
I thought the memory of you would surely disappear,
but you come back to haunt me, forever, I fear.

there is not a song we shared that I wish to cherish,
whatever songs we shared together, now have perished;
I thought the songs we listened to were gone and dead,
but they come back and play within my messed up head.

there isn't any picture of you I want to treasure,
you've seared my soul, torn my heart beyond measure;
yet pictures of our realationship stay in my mind,
and it's useless to try and eliminate them, I find.

when, are you going to let me go and call it finished?
when, will you let me loose, so my soul I can replenish?
I want to see no more of our lost, fruitless past,
can't you let me go, so I can find my peace at last?

there's not a figment of the union that I want to keep,
there's not a trace of you, that's left, over which to weep;
we were too foolish, too immature, to much confused,
we threw the dice at our relationship, and so, we lose.

Wahab Abdul 12 March 2012

What a nice poem! i like the content and the style the poet employed here. please read my poem.

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david lessard

david lessard

gardner, massachusetts
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