Not Only For Me Poem by Bob Gotti

Not Only For Me

Not only for me, Christ bled, but, for all the spiritually dead,
For all people lost in sin, that they can have New Life within,
Gaining from Him, spiritual life, leaving sin, that was so rife,
Now, forgiven of all our sins, by God, as a New Life begins.

Not only for me, Christ died, but, for all men, who will abide,
In The Savior, Jesus Christ, Who, for all had paid sin’s price;
Dead to all sin, I now live, through The Spirit, He would give,
To all those who shall believe, God’s Holy Spirit, we receive.

Not only for me, laid in a tomb, but, for all, He faced doom,
Laid in the belly of this earth, so we could enter a New Birth;
All of my sin is buried away, as I rise upon The Narrow Way,
In the grave is all sin’s stain, with only a glorified life to gain.

Not only for me, did He rise, but for all men, spiritually wise,
Wise enough, to see the proof, to know that He is The Truth;
Christ was that final Revelation, given by God, for Salvation,
The Living Word, for all to see, the only way, to life eternally.

In The Word, we are taught, it’s not some, but all He bought,
Upon the cross of Calvary, when Christ died for all humanity,
Buying us from sin’s marketplace, granting life by His Grace,
An Eternal Life given to those, who believe Christ, Who rose.

(Copyright ©04/2010)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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