Nothing Less Poem by Joe Fraccalvieri

Nothing Less

It didn't matter
if the walls of its halls were of sapphire
Cool to the touch yet glowing like a fire
It didn't matter if its skies were clear
or that its streets were paved with gold
It didn't matter if you were never born
or if you were young or very old

It didn't matter
if your tired soul had never sung
or that its thoughts were ever told

It didn't matter
whether Heaven's Gates were pearly white
or that its darkest nights
would be the way our world appears
when seen at early light

No... it didn't matter
that its mountains were so high
that even eagles couldn't soar
or that Heaven was so clean
that you could eat
right off the floor...
... If you wanted to!

But none of this mattered...
none of it-- for sure

It didn't matter
how well-dressed you were
or if you were rich or poor

It didn't matter
where you came from...
as long as you walked
through Heaven's Door

Because the only thing
that made the angels sing...
The only thing
that made the church-bells ring...
The only thing
worth striving for--
was that God was there--
that God was there--
that GOD WAS THERE! ! ...
Nothing less than God...
And nothing more!

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