Ocean Poem by Liza Sud


I was afraid of looking at you,
because truly - the only one view
can cause a lot of poems in flows
and these streams will flow into the ocean.

And this Ocean is, Julia, - you.
He's a great water keeper who cures.
and he gives to the sky out of place,
through a sweat - rainbows in a cascade.

But today you again have passed by,
and as always, rejoicing in heart,
and my lines start to flow again,
and have found the Light's riverbed.

You will not hear the whisper of mine,
I don't like to read poems outloud,
Ocean also in silence remains,
though gave all to the world through the rain.


Я боялась на Вас посмотреть,
потому что единственный взгляд
может вызвать потоки поэм,
а потоки текут в океан.

Океан - это, Юлия, Вы.
Он - великий хранитель воды.
и он небу дает невпопад,
как в испарине - радуг каскад.

Но сегодня вы мимо прошли,
как всегда, веселясь от души,
мои строчки опять потекли,
словно руслица Света нашли.

Не услышишь, что я прошепчу,
я стихи про себя говорю,
и все так же молчит океан,
хоть все миру дождями отдал.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: ocean
Daniel Brick 25 June 2016

I missed this poem earlier in June. It reads like an unresolved inner conflict, and I'm not sure I understand its full meaning. But you almost declare it is a personal poem and not a public one, when you write, I DON'T READ MY POEMS OUTLOUD. And you also describe your poems being swallowed up into the ocean, so not even the person they're about can see them. The best thing for me is to acknowledge the privacy of this poem and withdraw in a respectful silence.

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