Ode To Snow Poem by Jay Loring

Ode To Snow

It was one of those magical times
when the world around you dresses up
in its brightest, cleanest,
most ornate garments and
proudly displays its beauty.

Everywhere you turn,
voices seem to call out,
'Me! Look at ME! Look how pretty I am! '
Even the ordinary...those that
might never otherwise be noticed,
sparkle with a magnificence
that seems too wonderful to be real.

Majestic arms are outstretched,
laden with the weight of their new clothing...heavenly apparel,
meant to be worn only once
and then discarded.

This is the wonder of winter!
The ordinary becomes extraordinary.
The old becomes new.
The filthy is made clean.

For a few fleeting hours
the world is new again...
pure and fresh. Hidden are
the blemishes and stains,
covered by a blanket
of forgiving snow.

For a moment, we are transported
to another world -
a beautiful world...
and we smile...
without even trying.

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