Oh, perfect ball of light, shining at night!
How i loved, the way you put life at dark.
Silently blasting, your smoky light,
Is perfectly shining that self-spark,
Like precious circled-diamonds, it beams!
like perfume spray, spreading on air.
Your cool aura, lights all of my dull nights
And brings me relaxation as it seems.
Your glowing, glaring, gleaming, glorious care,
Quietly outshining above all lights.
Oh, perfect ball of light, God ever made!
Your perfection is perfectly perfect.
Your purest heart? even evils evade.
Your generous light? blooms kindly perfect.
You're bright, you're ample.Moon you're beautiful.
YOU! fascinating moon, calls for a gaze.
Healing one's soul, leaping it up and raise.
You are perfect, you are so powerful!
My dearest moon, you're so perfect as God!
Oh, I do praise you, and do really praise!
Oh, perfect ball of light, a gem of change!
Look at me, i'm full of blood and stains!
Painted in my youngness.I want to change!
Leap me up and clear these scars and sins.
And softly replenish me more even.
Oh, perfect ball of light, please do hear me!
Yield me your light, so i can see my path.
For if i die, i'll be on the heaven.
Oh, perfect ball of light, please do hear me!
Moon, leap me up! light my path! clear my wrath!
Oh, perfect ball of light in the dim night!
Freely hanged in the blanket of stars.
Continuously blasting her ghastly light.
Then eases the world's wounds and thick scars.
Your light goes lighter as the night goes by,
Dancing gaily on count of three and two.
Still precious as it slowly burns
And after it disappear and pass by,
All sparkling-stars are gone too
But new fogs are born and wider light turns.
I really enjoyed the sincerity and passion of your poem. Keep writing and working. You have talent.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Oh, perfect ball of light in the dim night! Freely hanged in the blanket of stars.- - - -pretty image