Off Path Poem by Ms Thang

Off Path

You’ve given me a lot of time to sit and think today.
I realized I’ve veered off path. I started to stray.
There was a time when you helped me stay strong.
Now I feel I must move on.
You have me distracted and I just can’t do that.
I can’t wonder what you’re doing or where you’re at.
I have a mission, a goal, a place I must arrive.
I can’t avoid this, and I can’t try to hide.
You can’t do this with me so I must do it alone.
Although I’ve tried to fight it, I’ve always known.
I love you, I do, I honestly do.
But, I can’t continuously search for you.
I told you a month ago and meant what I said.
I have to stay focused and follow where I am lead.
So, now I must step back, and get back right with Him.
I took a chance, and stepped out on a limb.
I hoped you would come with me, follow me.
And for a while you did, you followed my lead.
But, then after some time you pulled me off course.
Now, I sit in prayer, full of remorse.
I let things happen that I didn’t want to do.
I neglected to follow Him, trying to locate you.
It’s not your fault, and you’re not to blame.
But, it should have been to Him that I came.
You’re distracted by them from the goal we share.
I’m not supposed to be here, I should be there.
There are moments you see it and I love when we’re there.
I love the connection and the verses we share.
But, now, I have to return to this goal.
I can’t risk failure, and risk my soul.
You know how I feel and you know what I’m saying.
I can’t keep chasing you, and I can’t keep playing.
God’s calling me, and I’m calling you.
So now I know what I must do.
I must return to Him in order to find me.
When you are finally ready, Him you’ll seek.
Through Him you’ll find me, through Him I’ll find you.
But, right now, we just can’t keep doing what we do.

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