Because I loved you,
I gave you poetry,
instead of my body to keep you warm.
Poems stay in your head long after kisses
turn cold
lovers thoughts turn towards newer possibilities
Poems, my offspring
pollinated by you, fruits from my mind
fluently expressed how and
what I felt for you,
So many words of love
a smorgasbord of emotions to envelope you and
by extension,
your heart
Love, now hastily dissolved by economics
or maybe the lack of economics,
as we age we seem to compartmentalise our life
into love and economics
or maybe some mistakes are just too painful to face each morning.
Note to self…..
I will not mourn for that which is not lost
but alive and well, living happily ever after
in someone else’s arms.
So my poems, once prominently displayed
on your coffee table and your heart,
by extension
have been removed,
filed away under what was,
what might have been
or what could never be.
But words stain,
poetry lasts forever,
ask Langston
or Wordworth
or Sonia
we may forget what was said
but we can never forget
what was felt.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem