Where do I end
where do we begin,
I am not sure anymore.
It seems I can no longer exist as a single cell organism
I want to revoke my state of independence
I want to go back to coupledom and live with you,
in connubial bliss.
Your milk of loving kindness
Flows like rain
Flooding my thoughts
With fresh kisses,
in order for me to write, i do not speak for days
until desperation forces me to
create poetry
If we meet again tonight,
i choose not to recognize your familiar embrace.
I will pretend that we do not meet and spend countless hours
beneath an omniscient and mercurial moon
We were younger then
photographs frame our innocence,
The promise of love
smiles swollen with dreams and wide-eyed curiosity
To wake each day, faced with perpetual sunshine
disguised as your smile
is somewhat appealing
and even doctor recommended.
While you lay sleeping,
I dance playfully in the shadows on your face
Your breath, a long tunnel......lined with flowers
Saturday mornings brought promises,
of starting over,
beginning anew.
Trying to make the week over
You complete me,
Like the milk for my cereal
In my favourite bowl
Or a cup of sugar in a chocolate cake recipe
Because I loved you,
I gave you poetry,
instead of my body to keep you warm.
We used words to fill the distance between us
more words than the 4000 miles that separated us
words that sealed my fate
It rained every day
after you left
a natural mourning ensued
accompanied by stillness
The conversation began somewhere around 12 midnight
after you got home from work
and ended around six a.m. by my clock
or seven a.m. by your clock
If you walk away
from me,
There will still be sunrise
and sunsets in my life
Beloved, steal me away
to your secret hiding places
Let thoughts of me peacefully dwell
As a poet, I can only write about what I know
I know that the day begins with a sunrise
and sleeps with the sunset
and I know that I loved you.
I began writing poetry at age fourteen, it was inspired by love of course, that has been the catalyst for all my poetry to this day. I was given a copy of Sonia Sanches 'Love Poems' at seventeen and my world was changed forever. I discovered Pablo Neruda, Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni and loved the imagery captured in their words. The stages of love, the flirtation, intensity, passion, selfless (agape) , loss of love, heartbreak, heartache and new love makes writing poetry cathartic. I hope anyone reading my poetry will enjoy them as much as I do writing them.)
A New Song
I have been singing a new song
humming low
sweet notes,
that reverberate in my thighs,
and spiral into my throat
Bursting into tunes,
in your frequency.
I am singing a psalm for you,
chords of joy,
sounding like ur name
humming low sweet notes,
that hit that high
that operatic pitch
and stay there long after
you say