On 6th And Lennox Poem by KarlRomeo PierreLouis

On 6th And Lennox

Amid the stars and shore of yesterday
in the invasion of the nightingale's
song and tormented color
I stand along the edge of a passing day
freeing my fingertips deep within the wind
how fleeting! these moments have become
all gasping and pleading for time and faith
in the parting hours of night and day
here is where I love you
where the constellations meet the end of time
and the dreams of lovers wrestle the daydreams
of children for a purpose
far away and apart from the definitions and limitations
of man and myth
where the sea and clouds steal kisses under the moonlight
here is where I love you
in the distant glow of the heavens
forgotten and whispered about in the trails of comets
this, in the sometimes hours of forever
locked in the eyes and touches of slow twilights
here is where I love you
where destinations have no arrivals just destined departures
on the blue sails of drifting haikus and stanzas
held in the early morn of natural rain and seasons
all of different kind, all of the complexion happy memories
here is where I love you......

KarlRomeo PierreLouis

KarlRomeo PierreLouis

Port au Prince, Haiti
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