On This Day Poem by Akachukwu Lekwauwa

On This Day

On this day,
I speak,
Not from a theoretical base,
But, from an experiential one;
At the the harrowing hour
Of bereavement,
In this ever-shrinking life,
The difference is glaring:
The presence of Jesus;
And the presence of Jesus
Glaringly, is the difference.

Probe the depths,
This holds true
On the account of two witnesses;
He that is flying home,
And the one
Standing on a crust
Fraught and frayed around the edges.

I testify,
I felt and I beheld,
The sweet and comforting
Presence of Jesus,
As it overshadowed
The shadows of death;
Assuaging the pain,
And softening the hurt
Into pale insignificance.

I affirm,
This loss hurt,
But not half as much
As it would,
If He had not been there;
I need no other anodyne,
Not any supplement.

On this day,
I rejoice,
Knowing there will be
No haunting morning after;
But only resurrection morning
Where the loving compassion
Of the Savior rules expressly;
When joy shall be
Forever, boundless.

On this day,
I do not remember death,
But I celebrate life;
The one lived here,
And the one reserved
For eternity's sake.

On this day,
I do not shed tears,
But beam smiles of hope;
The blooming tulips,
And the rising sun
Certain of a glorious day.

On this day,
I do not feel sorrowful
But, thankful
For the legacy bequeathed,
Dignity instilled,
And the showers of love;
To the one who twined
Vines of affection around me,
I feel grateful.

On this day,
I do not count
Losses from my loss,
But harvest blessings
One by one,
In quite awe
How, the worst
Became the best,
Pain became gain,
Death became life forevermore;
What no hand but the supreme could muster.

Now, I can hike Everest
And pipe my song of victory,
So loud that every bird
Should hear and duet with me;
And through the valleys,
My steps, so patterned that
Every foe should admire
And partner my dance.

Time flies,
And heals;
But none as wonderfully
As Jesus.

On This Day
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
4th year in memory, on the transition of an eminence grise_daddy.
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