One Drop Of Christ's Blood Shed… Poem by Dr John Celes

One Drop Of Christ's Blood Shed…

One dropp of blood
of Jesus Christ, shed
Frees millions of sinners
Of their life-time sins!

One dropp of blood
Of Savior Christ, priceless
Absolves the punishments
Of the worst repentant sinners!

One dropp of blood
Of Messiah Christ
Opens the gates of heaven
For souls which yearn for God.

One dropp of blood
Of the slain Lamb of God
Annuls eternal damnation
Of all who repent and plead!

One dropp of blood
Of the Redeemer Christ
Can save mankind
From the fire of Hell!

Such is the immense power
Of the blood of the Son of God,
Who suffered and died upon the cross
for mankind's sake!

The sacred blood of Christ
Can sanctify all souls,
Who are truly sorry from heart,
From time immemorial!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 22-06-12

Captain Cur 24 June 2012

By his stripes we are healed. Great write Dr. Celes. An extraordinary ending. I admire your work.

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Ethereally & Spiritually awesome write, Doc! ...Yup...Decided to try this poetic arena one last time...Heard new management is in place...Hope the new bosses are not the same as the old bosses! ! ! ! ! ~FjR~

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Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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