''only The Echoes Of My Mind.' Poem by Roxanne Dubarry

''only The Echoes Of My Mind.'

Shadows haunt the echoes of my mind. Leaving peace
And tranquility far behind me. Plaguing my hopes and
My dreams. What Was the meaning of life? Whatever
became of My close relationship with Jesus Christ?
He used to bless my mind and walk besides me on the
White sandy beach. We used to look upwards at heavens
Lofty skies. Walking side by side with Jesus, I never
Once even asked him why? I still have teardrops in
My eyes. There was a time to say hello and goodbye!

Especially since like a lost sheep I have drifted
Far Far away to a never land of my own existence
And of my own creation. Trusting in God to heal
Both my mind but my imaginations. In the game
Of life I have many unsolved lessons to learn.
I have the rest of eternity to erase the echoes
Of my mind in paradise!

But the older I get, I am fast running out of time.
This life I am living is not all there is to my
Future existence. Even as a Christian I must face
The Beama Seat Judgement. To have a public testimony
Of a life that was not well spent. I really need both.

To not only confess my sins, but to repent and turn far
Far away from them. My eternal destiny rests securely
In the hands of the Son of Man from Galilee

The Son Of God holds a scale in his hands. Using them to
See If I measure up. Just asking Jesus Christ into my heart.
Is clearly not enough. Only through the grace of God can
I ever hope to measure up! I can claim the blood of Jesus
Christ! The author and source of my everlasting life!

Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954
Roxy 1954/ October Country
June 16,2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: relationships
I was inspired by the lyrics, " Only the echoes of my mind." As well as Jesus Christ.
Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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