Others' Immanence Poem by Hell 'Farya

Others' Immanence

Rating: 5.0

They tread amidst the throng, the Other one,
Whose beckoned biddings bend the knee of all.
Yet to their face, what once they were is cast -
No longer that, but something new instead,
A man whose seat flows like a river's course.

A blemish once, they were pointed out with scorn,
Known vaguely, if at all, for nothing more.
This was their lot, and yet it comes again -
They are this now, but were that once before,
A shriveled youth of decades long bygone.

With palms outstretched, the people stand in awe,
Their skin, like slave's, compelled to ceaseless toil.
In their fair beauty, men find joy to revel,
But this fair sight, they'll witness once, no more -
A blooming lady of the king's own harem.

Still amidst the throng, the Other one now walks,
Recalling promises made in vain, it seems,
Mere empty words that echoed once again.
What was yesterday, is now this present day -
A current sweeps all entities the same

Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: iambic pentameter,drama,tidal wave
In this strict iambic pentameter, I want you to think of that which has already been, a form you have seen or have been but no longer see or be. What were the aftermath. The visage of this poem lies in what happens after a change. To better understand this poetry, I have broken it down into a more simple free verse that I will be sharing. NB: This poetry was conceived in a random conversation with 'Poko'; of a man who is able to shift into a woman in the face of odds then also increase in age to suit the present moment. However, his reversal is technically impossible. The stanzas and lines are however meticulously. Received over a long hour sleep in a first person singula, but I had to change it to third person as I hated the call.. So to say, even I as the writer is yet to fully grasp the meaning behind this piece. I'm well open to individuals opinion and interpretations.
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