Our Times. Poem by nina ...

Our Times.

the times when you called and
we talked until it was no longer night

the times when everything you
said made me smile so bright

the times when i love you
meant just that

the times when you loved me
even when i acted like a brat

the times when my heart ached
when away from you

the times when we understood eachother
no need to construe

the times when i enjoyed nothing
more than holding you hand

the times when we were people
eachother could stand

the times when i felt like you
deserved all of my trust

the times i enjoyed us
being a must

too bad those times
were overtaken by lust

too bad the times are now
me on your bed

too bad the times will never
consist of us being wed

too bad the times are only
what you want from me

too bad the times, the good
ones are lost at sea

too bad the times are free
from any important type of feeling

too bad the times, any of them
prevent me from healing

im sad that you took my heart
and you still have the key

im sad that i cant just
get up and flee

im sad that my everything
continues to be you

im sad that my feelings
are genuine and true

i wonder why you can make me feel like no one can
in the worst of ways and the best

i wonder why i cant just forget you so that
i can heal my heart and mind

i wonder why we cant just be how we used to
be before we started putting eachother through tests

i know that everything is over and our love is withering away
but one thing will never change our souls are forever intertwined

Robin Machorro 24 May 2010

this was really great and deep it was very good you have a great talent :)

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